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Planning Board Minutes 01/04/2007

(603) 798-4350

JANUARY 4, 2007

PRESENT: Chairman Brad Towle, Fred Ruoff, Richard DeBold, Tom Jameson, Stan Brehm, Richard Arell, David Kenneally, Mike Paveglio, Chris Weir and Secretary Andrea Deachman

Chairman Towle read the agenda and requested that the Board review the Minutes of December 7, 2006, the following corrections were made:

Page 2: first paragraph, third line, second word “as” change to “and” also add to Blasko conditions #7. Signage accepted not to exceed 88 square feet due to site restrictions.

Motion was made to accept the minutes with the above changes.

                Paveglio/Jameson                        (Passed)

        Zoning Definitions
        Map & Lot numbers for Commercial Village


Discussion about all of the proposed definition changes, several items of concern were taking out of specific wording within the current zoning and creating vague references such as removing specific detail on junk or creating duplicate definitions such as Duplex, multi family and two family all the wording seems to be close to the same.

The Board has a working meeting scheduled for January 11, 2007 and will continue to work on the definitions.

Chairman Towle tabled the public hearing on Zoning Definitions until February 1, 2007.


Discussion on adding the actual map and lot numbers for the Commercial Village into the Zoning. A Board member suggested that the district be expanded to include several more lots along Route 4.

A member of the audience would like to request that her lot be removed from the commercial village the Chairman explained that the Board would not be entertaining removal of any lots in this district at this time. If the owner wanted it removed she would have ask the town how to go about getting her lot removed from the district through town vote at town meeting.

Motion was made to accept the map and lot numbers for inclusion on the ballot for town vote in March.

Mr. DeBold requested to amend the motion to add new lots to the Commercial Village, no second

Motion to accept the map and lot numbers for inclusion on the ballot for town vote in March.

        Jameson/Arell           (Passed)

Proposed actual map and lot numbers for the Commercial Village set for Ballot.

DESIGN REVIEW:  Bill’s RV/ Gorham Tractor property
        RV Sales and Service
        Map 4, Lot 150, Dover Road      

Abutters: None present

Cindy Lewis presented the plans for the project. Items that were discussed included parking and pavement, actual size of the building, dumpster, signage, lighting, setbacks.

The plan states that the building is 40 feet by 60 feet, but the actual size is 50 feet by 60 feet. A dumpster will be located at the back of the pavement behind the building meeting the required fire safety setback. There will be no additional lighting. There are two proposed parking spots west of the driveway that the Board requests not be used for any vehicle with an engine. A 50 foot buffer from the center of the existing stream needs to be followed.

Chairman Towle closed the Design Review.

PUBLIC HEARING: Bill’s RV/ Gorham Tractor property
        RV Sales and Service
        Map 4, Lot 150, Dover Road

Abutters: None Present

The Board requested that a note be placed on the plan stating all motorized vehicles will be parked on pavement.

The following items need to be addressed:

1.      Show actual size of building as 50 feet by 60 feet
2.      Show dumpster on back of pavement behind building
3.      Signage and how it is going to be lit on plan
4.      Note stating all motorized vehicles will be parked on pavement
5.      Maintain 50 foot buffer from center of existing stream.

Plan will not be recorded.

Motion was made to accept the plan with the above items completed.

        Towle/DeBold            (Passed)

DESIGN REVIEW:  Martin & Pamela Smith
        Addition – Commercial Zone      
        Map 3, Lot 59, Dover Road

Abutters: none present

Joe Wichert presented plans for the project. The Smith’s would like to put a 1765 square foot addition onto the existing building. There is adequate parking, the sign will remain the same. Mr. Wichert addressed the reviewers notes: A permission letter from the property owner was attained, the dumpster location was added to the plan, the proposed leach field, a statement that there are no wetlands on the property and the Wetlands Scientist stamp are on the plan and DOT, district 5 driveway permit or letter of acceptable change of use.

Motion was made to accept the application as complete.

        Jameson/Paveglio                (Passed)

PUBLIC HEARING: Martin & Pamela Smith
        Addition – Commercial Zone      
        Map 3, Lot 59, Dover Road
Abutters: none present

The Board will need a septic approval and driveway permit.

Motion was made to accept the proposal with the following conditions:

1.      State septic approval
2.      State driveway permit

        DeBold/Paveglio         (Passed)

DISCUSSION:     Lugg Property
        New Use – RV Rentals
        Map 3, Lot 47, Dover Road

Dennis Guy represented the Lugg Property tonight.  There were several suspected zoning violations present on the property due to the new RV Rentals. There were vinyl signs hanging off the building and the existing sign well over the allowed signage for the property, RV’s with motors are being parked on the grass. The Board will review the file and minutes of the past and let both Mr. Lugg and Mr. Guy how to proceed from here.

DISCUSSION:     Millican Nursery – Mike Wolfe
        Newly acquired property
        Map 10, Lot 27, Pleasant Street

Mr. Wolfe would just like to find out from the Board what possibilities are available for the property and what he will have to do to make the property in compliance with current zoning. The various activities he is suggesting on the property is growing container plants, parking flat bed trailers, employee parking.

The Board stated that growing of any kind would not be a change of use, creating a parking lot would be a change however; placing trailers on the property for transportation purposes of goods grown or to be grown would still be part of the agricultural industry. The Board requested a plan for the Boards file be created.

DISCUSSION:     Building Inspector

Dave Paveglio presented Building regulations that need to be changed along with a suggested fee schedule change. Dave has not had an increase in fees for over 6 years. He finds that he is going out to homes more often and receiving a greater number of phone calls for pending projects.

The new codes for building are ICC (Internal Code Council) these have replaced BOCA (Building Official Code Administrator). The Board would like to gather more information from surrounding towns and use the work session to put together a fair fee schedule for Mr. Paveglio. The changes to the Building Regulations only need to go through Public Hearing at the Planning Board level for the changes to be enacted.

CIP was discussed and will be reviewed at the working meeting also.

Motion was made to adjourn.

        Brehm/Arell             (Passed)

Meeting adjourned at 10:50pm

                        Respectfully submitted,

                        Bradley Towle